My love of smoked paprika started a couple of years ago when I was working in a restaurant on the coast and I had the pleasure to work with a Spanish chef.
He loved smoked paprika and showed me many delicious ways to use it.
Unfortunately I have not been able to get any of good quality for some time - until now.
Smoked paprika from the supermarket is passable, but it tastes more like the ghost of smoked paprika; like it remembers how it should taste but fails achieving its soaring beauty.
So a couple of days ago I went into Black Pearl Epicure, a fine food specialist and they had the very smoked paprika I was looking for.
La Chinata.
It comes in a range of heats but i went with the sweet paprika, it is a little more... versatile.
So here it is. A couple of smoky, paprikery dishes to tantalize your taste buds and begin your affair with this wondrous spice.
The soup is bubbling away on my stove right now, filling the house with its infinitely enticing scents...
My tongue is tingling in anticipation.
He loved smoked paprika and showed me many delicious ways to use it.
Unfortunately I have not been able to get any of good quality for some time - until now.
Smoked paprika from the supermarket is passable, but it tastes more like the ghost of smoked paprika; like it remembers how it should taste but fails achieving its soaring beauty.
So a couple of days ago I went into Black Pearl Epicure, a fine food specialist and they had the very smoked paprika I was looking for.
La Chinata.
It comes in a range of heats but i went with the sweet paprika, it is a little more... versatile.
So here it is. A couple of smoky, paprikery dishes to tantalize your taste buds and begin your affair with this wondrous spice.
The soup is bubbling away on my stove right now, filling the house with its infinitely enticing scents...
My tongue is tingling in anticipation.
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